

LocationLat. 250 36’ 34” N ; 850 8’ 14” E
Excavation Years1991-1992
Director of ExcavationsLal Chand Singh
Assisted byD.K.Ambastha, Vijay Shankar, D.K.Singh & N.K.Sinha,

The site is located in the heart of the Patna. It is a chance finding. In 1991, during digging a foundation for multi-storeyed commercial building by Bihar state Government authorities few terracotta antiquities recovered by the labourers. It created a curiosity among the archaeologists and thus this office has been asked to conduct a trial excavation for proper investigation of the site.

Two trenches measuring 55 mts and 85 mts with the orientation of north-south and east-west respectively have been undertaken for digging to ascertain the antiquarian remains of the site.

In the trench DKB/1 (operational area 55mts) excavation has been conducted upto a depth of 1.75 mts. after which the work was not possible due to oozing of water from the sections. The excavation yielded dump of two level formed by throwing up earth of recent period. Some terracotta balls and mixed pottery have also been collected in course of excavation.

In the trench DKB/2 (operational area 85 mts) the digging work was resumed upto a depth of 3.40 mts. Altogether 7 layers have been encounter in course of excavation. The remains of three ring-wells are exposed. The antiquities of this trench includes terracotta balls, beads, animal figurines etc.

The ceramic industry encountered mainly N.B.P.W. and its associated wares indicate that this site was probably the western limit of the ancient Pataliputra.

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